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2016-11-12 11:13:47

Саяхан АНУ-ын шинэ төрийн тэргүүн сонгогдож, Хиллари, Доналд нарын дунд ширүүн өрсөлдөөн болж өндөрлөлөө. Тэгвэлт тэд залуу насандаа хэр "хөөрхөн" байсан юм бол, тэдний амжилтын гараа хаанаас эхэлсэн болохыг зүрагт мэдээгээс харъя. 

Hillary Clinton on high school debate, Donald Trump at military school

Bill and Hillary Clinton in Yale, 1972 / Donald and Ivana Trump in 1990

Hillary Rodham, a lawyer for the Rodino Committee and John Doar, Chief Counsel for the committee, bring impeachment charges against President Richard Nixon in the Judiciary Committee hearing room at the US Capitol in 1974 in Washington, DC / Donald Trump with Alfred Eisenpreis, New York City Economic Development Administrator. Sketch of new 1,400 room Renovation project of Commodore Hotel, 1976.

Bill Clinton with wife Hillary and daughter Chelsea at the Democratic National Convention / the Trump Family, circa 1986

Hillary Clinton in Beijing in 1995; Donald Trump at IPO of trump plaza in 1995

Hillary Rodham Clinton throws out the first pitch to open the Chicago Cubs season at Wrigley field in Chicago on 4 April 1994 / Donald Trump throws out the first pitch before the New York Yankees faced the Houston Astros on 12 March 2004

Hillary Rodham Clinton participates on a tours of the site of the World Trade Center disaster on 12 September 2001. / Donald Trump speaks outside the New York Stock Exchange a week after 9/11.

Clinton in April 2007 presidential debate, Trump at premiere of Apprentice 2006

Clinton on flight to Libya, Trump getting roasted

Clinton and trump accept the nomination

АНХААР! Та сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ хууль зүйн болон ёс суртахууныг баримтална уу. Ёс бус сэтгэгдлийг админ устгах эрхтэй. Мэдээний сэтгэгдэлд www.chuhal.mn хариуцлага хүлээхгүй.
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